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Meet The author

Mad Moran’s love for arts has no margin. His favorite genre of books include philosophy, history, adventure fiction and political satire, but he has built his overall enjoyment of storytelling. As a political science major, writing fiction was never a profession he saw coming, but upon writing his first piece of literature he fell in love with the process. Now he makes it his mission to draw emotion from readers as he uses fiction to tell them the story of himself, life and a primal way of thought. He hopes his writing brings his readers a sense of perspective that is different from anything they have read before, constantly looking to surprise people by bringing them to find a new love for fiction. One that feels relatable, yet a story so distant, they can enjoy it without feeling attacked. A critique in the way of the mind.

To tell his story, Mad Moran lets his mind stray into a constant search for a perfect form of written expression, only to go mad realizing there is none. Instead he takes his own mind and creates an imaginary world the readers can fall in love with. M. Moran invites you to read his work, questioning your definition of sanity and what it truly means to think. Enter his world and see the horrors of the sane mind, until you see their true identity. 

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